*** Winner 2021 Visionary Award — Best Video Educational Series ***

A Step by Step Process of Vibratory Activation and
through Sacred and Healing Sounds


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Regular Price: $111.10
Now Only: $97

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What If There Was A Universal Sacred Sound That Creates A Hotline To The Divine?
Experience The Divine Name — The Most Powerful Sacred Intonation
for Personal & Planetary Healing & Divine Manifestation

In the 11th Month of the 11th Year of the new Millennium Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman presented a special seminar on THE DIVINE NAME. This once in a lifetime event culminated in the group intonation of this most Sacred of Sounds at 11:11 on 11/11/11.

The 11:11 Divine Name Seminar is a step by step process of Vibratory Activation and Initiation through Sacred and Healing Sounds.

ASCENSION HARMONICS: The11:11 Divine Name Seminar is
the only complete
Andi & Jonathan Goldman workshop ever filmed!

Discover and learn about The Divine Name, a universal sound that has the ability to resonate both the physical body and subtle energy fields of anyone who intones it—irrespective of tradition, or belief. This sacred sound has the power to heighten consciousness promoting healing, peace, and oneness.

“I was lucky enough to be among the people who were able to participate in the original Divine Name Seminar that Andi and Jonathan Goldman presented here in Boulder in 2011.  I can testify that it truly was a life changing experience for me, and I’m sure for everyone there.   We experienced different techniques for using sound for healing and then had the most amazing connection with universal consciousness, sending out this divine sound to all that is.  It provided exactly what our planet needed.  I cherish the use of this knowledge forever.”
Elizabeth Bradford Yoga Instructor

During the course you will learn concepts and practice techniques to:

    • Utilize sound for health & transformation in your everyday life
    • Explore the scientific and spiritual basis of using sound for healing and transformation
    • Find out how your own self-created sounds can serve to enhance personal health and wellness
    • Use your own voice as a potent and natural sound-healing instrument by resonating the energy centers in your etheric body, called the “chakras”
    • Experience the Sacred & Healing Sounds of the Divine Name for Global Harmonization

Enjoy the in-depth experience of an immersive weekend event in the convenience and comfort of your own home! Explore the scientific and spiritual basis of using sound for healing and transformation and find out how your own self-created sounds can enhance your health and wellness. This workshop experience includes group exercises, sound healing techniques, cutting edge scientific and spiritual information that will initiate you into progressive levels of sonic empowerment as you participate in activations and initiations previously only available in live workshop settings!

“My experience with the Divine Name has been profound.  It’s one of the most empowering tools of transformation that I have ever found. Not only does it shift you easily and effortlessly into a state of love, it helps wrap you in a blanket by your Maker who reassures you, you are ONE. A Soul-Felt thanks to Andi & Jonathan for sharing this remarkable gift with the world.”     Michelle Skaletski-Boyd of Soul-Felt Words, Inc.

The potent exercises you will learn in this course will help you: 

    • Reduce stress, stimulate deep relaxation, and lower blood pressure
    • Energize & balance your brain and tune your nervous system & energy body
    • Promote heart brain coherence for increased physical & vibrational well-being
    • Resonate your DNA & cellular structure and enhance your immune system
    • Heighten consciousness to reconnect with your higher self & divine source 
    • Enhance mindfulness and enter deep states of meditation

“The Divine Name is a portal to activate your infinite potential!  It’s amazing! I can feel my nervous system creating new pathways of be-ing simply by following the step by step process.”     Dr. Darren Weissman, Developer of The LifeLine Technique

Includes a 42 page eBook containing the original handouts presented at the live event as well as
extensive additional information, charts, writings, exercises, and other material relevant to the seminar

What You Will Learn:


Lesson 1 :
Fundamentals of Vibration

In this opening lesson, Jonathan and Andi will lay the groundwork for the entire course.  They present an overview of the evening and discuss the Divine Name.  They explore the scientific and spiritual basis of using sound for healing and transformation and discuss the basic principles of how sound can heal.  The focus is on frequency, wave form, and resonance as well as our range of hearing—how everything is sound.

Lesson 2 :
Entrainment & Visual Images

This teaching focuses on additional aspects of sound healing, including the physiological benefits of self-created sounds, entrainment, and the power of intent.  In addition, you will see images of the ability of sound to shape form with Cymatic pictures, heat thermography photographs and how intent can change the structure of water molecules.  You will discover why the formula of “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING” may be one of the most important aspects of understanding the unified field. You will learn how sound can be utilized for both a personal and a planetary healing modality.

Lesson 3 :
Conscious Listening

In this lesson we explore listening as a powerful tool for sonic transformation.  We will listen to excerpts from 8 of Jonathan’s award-winning albums including “Chakra Chants”, “Holy Harmony”, “Reiki Chants” and “The Divine Name.”  Jonathan will discuss both the vibro-acoustic and psycho-acoustic aspects of these different recordings—how and why they were created.  You will experience different effects from each of these recordings.

Lesson 4 :
Global Harmonization

In this lesson Jonathan and Andi give an overview of the entire workshop.  They also discuss the power of heart-brain coherence and talk about the Global Consciousness Project.  You will see aura photographs of Jonathan intoning the Divine Name.  They will discuss the phenomenon of Global Harmonization and how our intentionalized sound can shift and change the very consciousness of all sentient beings.


Lesson 1:
Frequency & Intention

Jonathan and Andi recap some of the information from the previous teachings, and discuss additional aspects of frequency, including psycho-acoustics—the effects of sound on our nervous system.  This includes  the importance of amplitude in terms of affecting us. They also discuss how the power of intention applies to using sound for healing and transformation, and ways in which intention may be most efficiently encoded upon a sound.   You will discover why the formula of “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING” may be one of the most important aspects of understanding the unified field. They conclude with a “Zen Koan” for chanting to assist in making sound together.

Lesson 2 :
Breath & Toning

Breath is the basis of sound.  It is also the basis of life. You will learn about prana, the energy of breath, and how diaphragmatic breathing is a key to expanded health and consciousness.  You will learn simple exercises and experience the ability to increase your breath and to make your own sounds. You will learn the basics of the vibro-acoustic resonance of your own self-created sounds, and experience these vibrations in your body, brain, and etheric fields. Our own self-created sounds can vibrate different parts of our body.  You will experience the relationship of specific vowels, sounds, and pitches and discover how these tones resonate in your physical body. These practices will change the way you experience sound!

Lesson 3 :
Chakras & Sound

In this lesson on Sound and The Chakras—you will learn about the etheric energy centers of our body and their relationships to vibration and sound.  You will discover the attributes of the chakras: physical, emotion, mental and spiritual.  You will learn how and why resonating your chakras can be an excellent tool for rejuvenation and healing.  You will learn how to pronounce the specific vowel sounds for each of the 7 chakras.

Lesson 4 :
Vowel Chakra Experience

In this lesson you will experience Jonathan Goldman’s classic Vowels As Mantras–one of the most profound vibrational tools for self-healing using your own voice. This is a powerful guided meditation for resonating the chakras with the Sacred Vowel Sounds for healing and transformation. Many experienced meditators consider this to be the most powerful guided meditation they’ve encountered.


Lesson 1 :
Principles of Harmonics

Harmonics can be understood as being the color of sound.  Within every sound are multiple, geometrically related sounds that simultaneously occur.  Harmonics display universal principles found in everything from the periodic table of elements to the orbital distances of the planets.  Jonathan and Andi discuss harmonics and how the different sounds of instruments and our voices are all dependent upon formants—the specific harmonics that are most pronounced in a sound.  You will hear what the first 8 harmonics that occur in nature sound like. The understanding of harmonics can shift your understanding of sound.  The ability to hear them can change the very way you perceive reality.

Lesson 2 :
Vocal Harmonics Examples

As part of the training of being able to create vocal harmonics, it is first necessary for us to be able to hear them.  You will listen to different practitioners of vocal harmonics utilizing different techniques—from Tibet and Mongolia to Western countries. You will also hear how harmonics are founding within every sound that we speak.  These recorded examples are extraordinary and will truly expand your concept of your ability to create sound!

Lesson 3 :
Creating Vocal Harmonics

In this lesson you will learn simple techniques of creating vocal harmonics.  You will be able to hear different harmonics created through intoning a specific series of vowel sounds. Through this ability to create two or more notes simultaneously you will experience the resultant transformative effects, which include stimulating the brain, resonating the physical body and enhancing our ability to perceive reality.

Lesson 4 :
Angel of Sound Activation

Jonathan and Andi begin by first discussing how different divine entities in different traditions were said to be the manifestation of sound.  Jonathan then discusses his initial encounter with Shamael, the Angel of Sound, and the creation of the recording “Angel of Sound.” We will then listen to a powerful, inter-dimensional recording designed to access your own encounter with the Angel of Sound.  We conclude with receiving the Shamael Invocation.


Lesson 1 :
The Divine Name — Discovery & Intonation

Jonathan and Andi begin by discussing the significance of the 11:11.  They then talk about the history of the Divine Name—how this sound is based on the name of God as found in the different Abrahamic traditions.  You will learn how the Divine Name is a universal sound, composed of a series of a descending and ascending harmonically related vowel sounds. Jonathan talks about his powerful experience in which the method of intoning of this sacred sound was revealed to him.  He then teaches the techniques for creating this sacred divine intonation.

Lesson 2 :
The 11:11:11 Experience – The Divine Name As Prayer

Jonathan and Andi discuss the Divine Name as a powerful form of prayer. They then lead the participants in a guided sacred ceremony for personal and planetary healing. This sonic meditation consists of an extended “Intoning of the Divine Name” which culminates with the final sounding of the Divine Name for Global Harmonization. The workshop concludes with the sharing of how to use this extraordinary sound and the techniques of this seminar on a daily basis.


Free Exclusive Bonus Gifts Include:

    • The 11:11 Divine Name Soundtrack — New Album Compilation 
    • How the 11:11:11 Becomes the Divine Name (Video)
    • The Original Divine Name Vision (Video)
    • Sonic Harmonic Guided Meditation by Jonathan Goldman
    • Opening the Portal — Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman (Video)
    • The 12/21/12 Global Toning Experience — Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman (Video)
    • Personal & Planetary Healing Sounds (Full Length Documentary Film) 
An original compilation of music from Jonathan Goldman created exclusively for this online course. Includes top choices from Jonathan’s award-winning albums including selections from Chakra Chants, Reiki Chants, Holy Harmony, The Divine Name, Angel of Sound, and many more! These extraordinary sonic soundscapes will uplift & transport you!

Jonathan Goldman had a vision in which the numeric sequence 11:11:11 became the Divine Name.  After this experience, he went to visionary artist and spiritual teacher Aaron Pyne to assist in the creation of this enchanting video.  We trust that watching this video will enhance your understanding of the significance of the relationship between 11:11 and the Divine Name.

Jonathan Goldman describes the original vision he had regarding the use of the Divine Name to help heal the Earth. This clip sheds light on the significance of the Divine Name as a tool for personal and planetary healing, and how this “hotline to the divine” can enrich and enhance your life and well-being.

Featuring text from Barbara Marciniak’s “Bringers of the Dawn” and music from Christian Bollman’s “Spirit Come,” Jonathan Goldman presents an inspiring guided meditation focusing on the use of harmonics to shift personal and planetary consciousness.

This excerpt from The 11:11 DIVINE NAME Seminar captures the culmination of this remarkable workshop experience. It occurs at the exact moment of 11:11 on 11/11/11 with Jonathan Goldman intoning the DIVINE NAME. 

On Dec. 21, 2012, Jonathan & Andi initiated a 24 Hour Global Chant at the Uplift Festival in Byron Bay, Australia. This date was prophesized as a sacred time and powerful transformational portal by many elders from different spiritual traditions. This video captures the beginning of that global event with James Twyman as the MC. 

This 70 minute long film features never before seen interviews and teachings from internationally acclaimed Sound Healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman. Created by renowned European director, Carlotta Mastrojanni. “Personal and Planetary Healing Sounds” was filmed at a filled to capacity workshop at the world famous Star House in Boulder, Colorado.

Discount Price — 11% OFF

Regular Price: $111.10
Now Only: $97

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