The Science Behind Mantra Chanting

There are a number of different “sciences” behind mantric chanting. Some of these are the “hard” science—physics, psycho-acoustics, etc. Some of these are spiritual sciences such as the different yogic practices that work with sound. I write about many of them in HEALING SOUNDS and my other books. On one level, as observed years ago by Dr. Herbert Benson, mantric chanting helps induce…

Conscious Nitric Oxide Humming

One of the benefits of humming is the release of nasal Nitric Oxide, which among its many properties, has anti-viral qualities. We first reported on this in our book The Humming Effect but we are so pleased that more and more people are releasing videos proclaiming the therapeutic power of the hum. What a blessing that such an easy sound can be shared with so many people! Andi & I have created a short video demonstrating….

Sound Health Enhancer Video

Healing Sounds pioneer® Jonathan Goldman has created a special interactive sonic guided meditation—the Sound Health Enhancer. It features the balancing and calming sonics of the Sacred Ratio Pythagorean Tuning Forks, wonderful guided imagery to help create and amplify heart/brain coherence and enhance our health, including our immunological system and heart chakra activation. The main focus…

Crystal Bowls Chakra Chants Video

Timothy Helgeson has made some very beautiful videos of Jonathan Goldman’s music using a process called “Liquid Fractals”  Here’s his latest featuring the music from the solar plexus chakra from “Crystal Bowls Chakra Chants.”  Called “Navel Chakra-Citrine Fire”, this video feature’s Jonathan’s vocals on the Sacred Vowels, Bija Mantras, Toning, Harmonics and More.  Crystal Tones…

Research On Reiki Chants

Testing a 2,500-year old hypothesis: If music breathes new life into old blood…play on! by John Stuart Reid In 2007, having been greatly impressed by Jonathan Goldman’s Reiki Chants album, I commissioned a special limited edition, with Jonathan’s permission, re-titling it The Healing, because I intuited that it had special healing qualities. Recently, without me mentioning…

Equinox Ambience Video

Here is brand new video for “Equinox Ambience”, a track from my latest album, “AMBIENT REALMS”. This recording features 13 uniquely re-mixed and re-imagined versions of my best  relaxing, chill out atmospheric visionary soundscapes & dreamscapes including 5 all-new, never before released tracks!  It was also my honor to collaborate on these pieces with some of the great ambient music luminaries of all time, including…

Cymatics on Fire

The principles of Cymatics, the study of waveform phenomenon, have been demonstrated using many materials–plastics, pastes, and mainly water. These are marvelous images. But now, we have something new in the realm of Cymatics–standing waves demonstrated on a plate of fire! Cymatics is a word coined by Dr. Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor, who in his…

Sound vs. Music

I have often contemplated the delineation between sound and music. From a certain higher perspective, there is no delineation, for  all sound could be perceived as music and all music is sound.  However, with that said, I think you’ll agree that one person’s music can often be another person’s noise!  Noise is usually defined as something like “unpleasant sound”. …

The Lemurian Tuning Forks, Magic Frequencies, and Sacred Ratios

The Lemurian Tuning Forks, Magic Frequencies, and Sacred Ratios by Jonathan Goldman Everybody’s searching for the “Magic Frequency”.  And that’s good.  From my perspective, every frequency has its own attributes. With that said, I don’t think there is one frequency that is the “be all” and “end all” of frequencies—the one that will heal everyone…

On Sound

  This video clip is from a gathering at the sacred space of the Star House here in Boulder, CO.  The presentation begins with my best answer to a question that I am commonly asked “What can Sound be used to heal?” I truly believe that the possibilities are limitless, both on a personal and…

The Harmonics of Sound

Thus far, we have discussed various aspects of sound, including concepts such as “frequency”, “intent”, “vibrational resonance”, “visualization”, “vocalization” and other aspects of using sound to shift frequency. Last issue, we mentioned the idea of a “harmonic language.” It is time now to begin to deal with the subject of harmonics, or overtones, as they are also…