Symphony of Compassion Video

This new video was originally presented on the November 2023 Sound Satsang “Coherence & Compassion.”  The music is a new piece called  “Symphony of Compassion” which incorporates the “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra from the album “Tibetan Master Chants” toned by Chant Master Lama Tashi along with symphonic keyboards performed by Jonathan Goldman. It is…


For a new experience in sound and music, here’s a new video called “The Divine Name (Extended)”. This video is collaboration between sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman and videographer Timothy Helgeson. It features an extended version of “Awakening” from “The Divine Name” along with extraordinary Liquid Light visuals.     The combination of Color and Sound…

Project Global Sound 2019

In 1999, actor turned filmmaker Jeremy Gilley founded the non-profit organisation Peace One Day and set out to create an annual Peace Day. In 2001 this became a reality when the United Nations unanimously adopted the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September – now known as Peace Day. Peace…

Crystal Bowls Chakra Chants Video

Timothy Helgeson has made some very beautiful videos of Jonathan Goldman’s music using a process called “Liquid Fractals”  Here’s his latest featuring the music from the solar plexus chakra from “Crystal Bowls Chakra Chants.”  Called “Navel Chakra-Citrine Fire”, this video feature’s Jonathan’s vocals on the Sacred Vowels, Bija Mantras, Toning, Harmonics and More.  Crystal Tones…

The Mystery of Laurel vs. Yanny

Normally, I don’t have time for things that go viral on the internet, but since this phenomenon involved sound, I did pay some attention to it.   My initial introduction to this very unusual sonic situation was via the Stephen Colbert “Tonight” Show, where he played this very unusual sound.  What was unusual about it was that some people heard “Laurel” when it was played while others heard “Yanni”.  Some heard both.  I initially heard …

Saging and Aging

While I was recently preparing to do a radio interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton, I re-read his remarkable book THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF. This is his 10th Anniversary edition with lots of new material. As I was reading this book, I came upon an experiment that was done with the elderly, in which 4 different…

Dolphins,Tonal Language, and Telepathy

   Dolphins have the ability to send and receive sonic frequencies of 180,00 cycles per second. That is 10 times faster than humans can perceive–human hearing ends at about 16,000 cycles per second. Dolphins have the ability to project multi-dimensional holographic images on their sounds. In a series of clicks, a dolphin can encode encyclopedic…

CYMATICS: Science vs. Music

To round out this months “Sound Streams,” we would like to share this fun new video from Nigel Stanford. This clip has been very popular recently tallying up millions of views on various video networks.  It’s exciting to see Sound Healing concepts branching out to new, unexpected audiences! For those of you who have not seen it yet, it’s…

Heart To Heart Talk Radio Interview

Enjoy this special replay of Jonathan and Andi Goldman’s recent appearance on the Heart To Heart Radio show with Daniel Scranton. In this conversation the Goldman’s discuss their journey in the sound healing/new age music world and play tracks from several of Jonathan’s award-winning albums. Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with EnlightenmentEvolution Network on BlogTalkRadio For More…

Cymatics on Fire

The principles of Cymatics, the study of waveform phenomenon, have been demonstrated using many materials–plastics, pastes, and mainly water. These are marvelous images. But now, we have something new in the realm of Cymatics–standing waves demonstrated on a plate of fire! Cymatics is a word coined by Dr. Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor, who in his…

Sound vs. Music

I have often contemplated the delineation between sound and music. From a certain higher perspective, there is no delineation, for  all sound could be perceived as music and all music is sound.  However, with that said, I think you’ll agree that one person’s music can often be another person’s noise!  Noise is usually defined as something like “unpleasant sound”. …

The Lemurian Tuning Forks, Magic Frequencies, and Sacred Ratios

The Lemurian Tuning Forks, Magic Frequencies, and Sacred Ratios by Jonathan Goldman Everybody’s searching for the “Magic Frequency”.  And that’s good.  From my perspective, every frequency has its own attributes. With that said, I don’t think there is one frequency that is the “be all” and “end all” of frequencies—the one that will heal everyone…

Jai Uttal on The Healing Sounds Show

Please tune in Wednesday, August 8, 2012, at 12 noon US Eastern Time, to when I present “The Healing Sounds Show”. My guest for this show will be Jai Uttal. Jai Uttal’s musical roots embrace a rich variety of cultures and traditions that span the globe and the centuries. From the hillbilly music of…