Dream Temple
Temple of Sacred Sound
We can transform the world with Our Love, Our Light and Our Sound!
Dear Sound Friends:
The Temple of Sacred Sound is a vision I’ve held for a long time that is about to manifest, allowing people throughout the planet to tone together using the Internet as a means of assisting Global Harmonization.
If you would like to project your Sound, Light, and Love in order to co-create planetary healing, I invite you to visit www.templeofsacredsound.org anytime on World Sound Healing Day, Feb. 14. You may tone the heart sound “AH” or any of the other sacred sounds featured in the other toning chambers on the website any time throughout the day.
Please let others know about this.
Blessings of Love & Light Through Sound,
Jonathan Goldman
P.S. We’ll be working with the Global Consciousness Project, who will be monitoring the day and time to see if our intentional sound can create a measurable planetary effect.
WHAT: Temple of Sacred Sound is an interactive sacred sound temple in cyberspace where people throughout the world can sound together for Global Harmonization-the process of creating peace and harmony on the planet. It’s free and available 24/7 to anyone throughout the planet with access to the Internet.
The combination of sacred sound coupled with intention creates a powerful technology for healing and transformation. Temple of Sacred Sound will offer this through the Internet, enabling us to assist shifting the consciousness of the planet. Within Temple of Sacred Sound are four different Toning Chamber with extraordinary visual imagery coupled with beautiful planetary healing sounds of thousands of people throughout the planet toning together.
WHY: Temple of Sacred Sound utilizes the technology of the Internet to assist Global Harmonization. Currently, the Internet represents the Neural Net of the planet-the Global Mind. In order for compassion and, kindness to manifest on the Earth, it is vital that the Global Heart of the planet be activated as well. This can be accomplished is through sound.
In many sacred traditions is the understanding that there is mind, there is body and speech (sound). Sound is the interconnecting linking mechanism between body and mind. With Temple of Sacred Sound, through using Global Sound, we can work with the Global Mind (the Internet) to activate the Global Heart as well as create a direct connect to spirit and to the Divine
WHEN: Temple of Sacred Sound is available for you to enjoy year round. But in particular, we invite you to visit on Feb. 14 to celebrate World Sound Healing Day in order to join together to project a sonic valentine of peace and harmony to Gaia, the Earth Mother. Won’t you please help manifest Planetary Vibrational Medicine!
WHERE: TempleofSacredSound.org