We stand at a precipice that may define our species. We well may stand at a crossroads of time and space that will determine whether or not our beloved planet Earth is able to continue as more than a barren rock. There are forces which presently abound which seem determined to create havoc and destruction on a seemingly cosmic level, so great are their properties. Not only has greed become the predominant factor in our existence—it presents a grand opportunity for us to pursue this purpose as a means of going past the tipping point of survival into the chasm of utter chaos. In other words, if we don’t change our consciousness about who we are and what we are, the chances of our continuing as a species on the Earth is practically nil. Indeed, it has been speculated that the quantum matrix is approaching a tipping point. More on that later, but the question arises:
What to do?
It stands to reason that if there are forces that would do this to us, then the obvious solution is to do battle with these forces. The great difficulty being that these forces at present are much stronger than any antithetical energetics that can be mustered at this time. At least in terms of dealing with it as a physical problem. There ultimately may only be a very small percentage of beings who are leading us down the rabbit hole of destruction, but this percentage has so much power in terms of being able to manipulate the physical plane that any in opposition don’t stand a chance. In addition, this percentage has the ability of manipulating the beliefs of so many that they don’t understand that the path of greed will only result in short lived results of abundance, before decaying in a long term end game.
So ultimately, we are indeed up the creek without a paddle. They control the physical aspect of the masses. And they also control their souls as well.
What to do?
Now, here’s the good news. Whether it’s climate problems or energy hazards or violence or any of a number of truly heinous conditions, these can all be changed.
How you may ask?
The answer is obvious of course. Through using our consciousness to shift and change the belief systems that currently abound and present this problem. With regard to dealing with the physical aspects of those who are being controlled, it is of little use to try to use physical force against this. Here we are dealing with a phenomenon that is easily 3rd dimensional earth plane oriented. And with such an occurrence, there’s not a snow ball’s chance in a fiery place of escaping a meltdown. Coming from a Newtonian aspect of physics, it’s just not possible. They have the technological tools in much greater amount and there’s nothing that can affectively combat this. It is that simple.
However, with consciousness, we move from the 3rd dimensional Newtonian aspect to a much higher dimension of Quantum physics which allows all that is to be effectively and almost instantaneously changed by utilizing the realm of unmanifested potential and turning it into manifested reality. In other words, changing that which could be into that which is.
An extraordinarily simple aspect of the manifestation of the quantum realm into the physical is the addition of the concept of vibrational resonance to the arena of intentionality. It is quite possible, with our intentions, to manifest the quantum into the 3rd dimensional. This action of manifestation is, however, so much easier if we just add the energy of vibration to this phenomenon. In particular, the energy of sound—in particular, sacred sound, which is positive, compassionate and life affirming.
Our ancients, of course, knew about this. And whether it was in statements such as “In the Beginning was the Word” or the declaration that “The Lord said: ‘Let there be Light’” (in which the act of speaking creates the phenomenon of Light), or in any of the multitudinous spiritual books from traditions throughout our planet which understood and stated that vibration is the initial causative aspect of creation. In the Hindu tradition, this initial vibration of manifestation is known as “pranava” or the humming of energy. However it is perceived, sound seems to always accompany consciousness in the act of original manifestation.
For all of us who are reaching into the quantum matrix in order to bring forth new realities onto our 3rd dimension, may I suggest that we remember that through coupling intention with sound, we can achieve this much more successfully and easily than when working solely with consciousness. Consciousness coupled with vibration is the key! It is the simple “secret” that so many have known about and yet so many have forgotten.
This, of course, is one of the reason why in a majority of the traditions on the planet, prayers are most often vocalized—whether they are whispered, chanted, sung or spoken. The reason for this is simple—sound amplifies the power of prayer. Additionally, for those who seem silent when they are praying, let us remember that “silent sound” (or the Shabd as it’s known in the Hindu tradition) is a most powerful, sacred vibrational aspect that interfaces with all aspects of consciousness.
Thus sound is an inherent part of prayer. Sound amplifies the intention of the prayer. The same is true with meditation. Sound amplifies the power of the meditation. Years ago, when first researching the power of sound to heal and transform, I created a formula: “Frequency + Intent = Healing”. It was the result of discovering that there were many different systems of healing with sound that utilized many different sounds to heal. Scientist A would use a particular frequency (or series of frequencies) to heal a condition. When I compared this to the results of others, I would often find that Scientist B might use a completely different frequency (or series of frequencies) to heal the same condition. Yet, this person often claimed positive results. The same seemed to be true of various spiritual masters. Spiritual Master X would use a particular mantra to resonate a chakra. Spiritual Master Y would use a completely different mantra to resonate the same chakra. Yet, both claimed positive results.
At first, I was quite disturbed by this. How was it possible that there could be healing from so many different varied systems of sound? Then, an inner voice said to me: “It is not only of the frequency of the sound that creates the effect. It is also the intention of the person making and receiving the sound.” I immediately wrote down the formula: “Frequency + Intent = Healing”. At the time, this seemed most relevant to my discovery of many diverse and varied different frequencies (as well as tones and other sounds) being used to treat the same condition or create the same effect. That was almost 40 years ago. This formula of “Frequency + Intent = Healing” seems more relevant today than ever before.
As the field of sound as a healing and transformational modality continues to expand, more and more varied and diverse frequencies are being utilized with seemingly effective results. The only conclusion that one can come to with regard to how this is possible is that the Intent of the sound is the factor that is the ingredient which explains this phenomenon. Intent is known by many different names including belief, purpose, visualization, feeling and many other words. It is basically the intended outcome of the effect of the sound that is being created. All these different names are aspects of the consciousness that is encoded upon the sound.
When dealing with the concept of changing the consciousness that currently manifests upon our beloved planet (and which presents the denial of the destructive outcome that will prevail from this), the addition of sacred sound to this consciousness seems to be the answer. Through projecting positive sound, filled with the energy of compassion and love, we will be shifting the quantum matrix of this consciousness to a higher vibratory level—a level in which we will realize and embody the Oneness that is all. Through this shift in energy, the potential solution to the difficulties we are now facing reveals itself. We can go from sliding down to oblivion from this crossroads we are now facing and expand to a new and positive aspect of being—one where we can solve the problems that currently facing us.
Thus through events such as World Sound Healing Day, we are presented with the potential of shifting and changing the present course of destruction we are facing. World Sound Healing Day gives us the ability to create what I call “Global Harmonization”—that of peace and harmony on our planet. When Global Harmonization occurs, we resonate together, realizing that all is One. Through this resonance, this vibratory shift, we can create a new reality.
We heal our planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal our planet.