Everything is vibration. From the chair that you may be sitting in to the computer you are reading this on, everything is in a state of vibration. This is not a new idea. Our ancient mystics have known this for many a millennium, but now our scientists are beginning to understand this and agree with this. It is a wonderful start.
From the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets spinning around suns in the galaxy, everything is in movement. Everything is in vibration. And if it is in vibration, it is putting out a sound.
Now, whether or not we can hear this sound is a different matter. Sound travels as a wave form. First, let us say that one way of measuring sound is how fast or slow this wave form is moving. These waves are measured as cycles and sound is measured in cycles per second. This is called its frequency. Very slow waves make very low sounds. Very fast waves make very high sounds. The lowest note on a piano is about 24 cycles per second. The highest note on a piano is about 4,000 cycles per second.
Now, we hear from around 16 to about 16,000 cycles per second. Yet just because we can’t hear something does not mean it is not vibrating, nor creating a sound. Dolphins can project and receive information upwards of 180,000 cycles per second, more than 10 times that of humans. And this to them is sound. Do not let the notion that if you can not hear an object it is not vibrating or making a sound. There–we have solved the old Zen Koen asking about a tree falling in the forest.