The Sound of Light
by Jonathan Goldman
The relationship between sound and light has always been fascinating. Many believe there is a one to one relationship between them. Many believe there is not. Some believe sound and light are the same thing. Others believe they are very different. This current blog is dedicated to this subject. After this initial writing, I will contribute other thoughts along with you.
The relationship between light and sound is most intriguing because both are measured as frequencies in cycles per second. Sound is measured from the ten’s to the ten of thousand’s of cycles per second. Light manifests as billions of cycles per second. Therefore, one way of viewing the relationship between sound and light is to assume that light is speeded up sound, or conversely, that sound is slowed down light.
The ancient Hermetic Principle of “As Above, So Below” is often quoted in regard to the relationship between sound and light. Mathematically, if you speed up a sound’s frequency by doubling it forty times, you come up with a frequency that is within the parameters of light. Conversely, if you slow down light’s frequency forty times, you have a frequency within the parameters of sound. The frequency of 518.7 cycles per second, which creates a note somewhat near what we call a “C” for example, when speeded up in this manner, falls within the range of what we see as a green. Or, when slowed down, this greenish colored light that vibrates at approximately 570 billion cycles per second. becomes that note “C”–at least mathematically. Very dark red vibrates at a frequency of approximately 430 billion cycles per second, which when reduced by 40 octaves becomes 391.3 cycles per second., creating the note of “G”. The spectrum of violet goes from light violet at around 690 billion cycles per second (which equates to 627.8 cycles per second, creating a note somewhere around a Eb) to very dark violet at about 750 billion cycles per =second. (which when reduced 40 octaves manifests as 682.4 cycles per second, creating a note close to an F).
The question is, while the above information is mathematically correct, is it true? Is light sound and vice versa or is this relationship very different.
To my knowledge, no one has ever succeeded in turning a sound wave into a light color without the use of a computer or some other instrument which can easily effect the relationship between sound and light by having specific colors assigned to specific notes. This does not mean there is not a direct relationship between sound and light, but thus far, no one has figured out exactly what it is.
When I first became this journey into sound over 30 years ago, I also begin an examination of light and the relationship between the two. As I delved into the subject I found that many different people had expressed very different understandings about the relationship between light and sound. Within the last twenty years, the most common relationship found between musical notes and their colors matches the notes of one octave with the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum, starting with the note C. Red = C, orange = D, yellow = E, green = F, blue = G, indigo = A, and violet = B. This is a very different relationship than the octave doubling relationship discussed previously.
It may be that color and sound are two very different energy forms or it may be that there is a direct relationship of color to sound. But it may be that this relationship is much more complicated than simply taking a note and bringing it up 40 octaves to the bandwidth of light. It may be that as sound goes up the electromagnetic spectrum, that as it changes energy, the mathematics become more complicated and different than simple doubling. Many years ago, I met a visiting scientist at MIT who was working on the relationship of sound to color and had developed a formula 4 pages long on this subject. I don’t know whether this formula was correct, but it is another indication of the extraordinary possibilities inherent in relating color to sound.
Is there a direct one to one relationship between sound and light? Is it purely geometric (being based upon the doubling of one to another) or is there something else? Are sound and light similar but different energies that can synergistically work with each other-with any sound carrying any color and visa versa? Or does a specific sound have to be matched with a specific color in order for there to be an effect?
I know that many of you are using some relationship between sound and light in your healing work. I invite all who utilize some relationship between sound and light to contribute to this blog.
I am writing to ask if anyone else out there “hears” or “feels” what I can only describe as a constant 121hz hum, that throbs and pulses, perhaps between 120 & 121hz, maybe even up to 122hz. I do not have any sensitive equipment. I just suffered an injury which has heightened my senses to a hyper sensitive state and, while in my house, in the quiet of night and morning, it is most noticeable. It is most agitating. Definitely not a healing sound. At first, when I started noticing it, I thought, perhaps, there was a truck idling outside, (that’s what I liken it to) I looked around outside and found nothing. Then I thought, maybe it’s the oil burner. However, the oil burner is intermittent and was not running at that time. I am still wondering if it is “in my head” literally. Or if there is a possibility that I am “feeling/hearing” some kind of vast “disharmonizer” as a smart meter or something similar. It’s a very agitating constant tone that does not feel natural. Am I the proverbial “Canary in the coal mine”? Or am I just losing my mind?
For all interested in sound-healing, I want to let you know about the documentary film “Out of the Silence” by 26-year-old Tessa Shields. It includes interviews with Jonathan Goldman and many of his colleagues and others in various modalities of sound-healing from highly intuitive and acoustic to highly technological. Below are links to the list of interviewees and to film trailers and select interview footage. Tessa is right now in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for editing a final cut of the film. She has to Dec 9th to make her very modest goal of $10,000… and it only goes forward if she makes the whole amount; otherwise all pledges are refunded. There are gifts at every level of contribution. Please check it out and if you like what you see (or hear!), visit her Kickstarter page at
Film website:
Happy Harmonic Holidays to ALL… !!!
Do you guys have a Twitter fan page? I tried to locate it on online but could not find it. I would really like to become a fan as I feel that this alternative medicine is the way forward in getting us all feeling good!
Hello Datransformer and John Stuart Reid,
Fascinating discussion. Ir seems to me that space and time do not exist when listening to or playing especially music.
One seems to exist in the moment of just being when engaged with music, meditation, reading, writing, inventing or studying.
As for motion, my formula is v=fw (since space and time become unity “1”)
Where v = the speed of sound in whatever material is involved, air, water, metal, black holes.
Where f = frequency in Hertz.
Where w = wavelength in feet or inches (not meters based on 10’s)
With this formula you can find the sound frequency of a room if you know the dimensions in feet. Simply divide v by w. Say the speed of sound in air is 1130 ft. per second and the room is 10 by 10 by 10 feet. The frequency of the room would be 113 Hz, an A#.
This is just one of my examples to applying the idea that space and time do not exist except as a unit of “1” in discussing music’s dual relationship as frequency and wavelength.
Hello ALL,
This is an interesting discussion; let’s see what I can contribute. The Sound frequencies of our voice, our vocal chords are the same size as our body, organs and bones or body parts, and then the harmonics from these are belonging to the chakras. The 1000 hz seems to have very little information because it belongs to the 4th chakra, the Thymus gland that is still half opened, it is green color and as in the correct refraction of light theory from Goethe, Green is a double ray, it means we only have half opened the chakras above the 4th. Now in this next evolution we could open the 4th Chakra and we will be able to activate the other cranial chakras, and regain the Thymus and the immune system we had when we were babies as well as know how to be in the place of others, intuition then telepathy and unconditional Love. The tensions of the Thymus gland come from the Hyoid bone in the throat that is the reason we choke when we have an emotion we cannot digest and we lose much immune system when we do not speak the truth. We start losing this when we start to talk when we are young child, because the Hyoid bone comes down to sit on top of the Larynges and gives us the amazing sounds of speech. Babies still have the Hyoid bone in the nasal cavity as do animals to learn to suck and swallow at the same time. That was the evolution we have more than fulfilled, we can talk ourselves out of anything now and do not talk from our hearts. Now we have to talk from our heart and decide from our heart to do the next step to evolve to a higher dimension, to speak from our hearts and regain the immune system that we lost.
Then the size of waves that fit inside our mouth are from 3 to 5 khz and create the Harmonic signature of a person’s voice, the specific harmonics that recognize the voice of a persons, which I find with the BiosonicFFT software. Then from 6 to 10khz these waves fit in the nasal cavity and with some persons is not very visible. From there Ultrasound fits in the skin pours, radiofrequencies are the size of our brain neurons and the fastest is the eyes that vibrate at 500. I think you say 500 trillion in Europe we say 500 billions of Hertz to see color yellow, this belongs to biochemical reactions as well as all light and color helps you emotionally. meanwhile sound massages and creates movement inside our body. Light and color are responsible for all biochemistry reactions and photosynthesis of life and healing.
I am completely sure that most healing is Placebo, due that belief is the mother of all science and that we are alive from all the toxins we have been exposed to, just simply because of music and colors, which we always have had. I could demonstrate this with the Biosonic software.
Mostly sound affects movement which we need as much as possible inside our bodies, color ana light go through the acupuncture meridians and the union of Goethe´s color theory with IChing the meridian colors that are in the Biosonic and proof it works for more that 10 years is that the warm colors are in the hands, reds and yellows and the cold colors are meridians of the feet the blues violets. If you want to know more about this there are lots of videos in , but most of my actual work now is in my website, which you can get translated. But the one page that is in both English and Spanish is
I hope this helps, till another time, much love,
Hello Datransformer,
1. Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon created by sound (sound may be defined as collisions between atoms or molecules.)
2. Color is the frequency of the electromagnetism so created and is a function of the energy in the atomic collisions. In other words, if we increase the intensity of the sound (collisions) the color frequency increases.
3. Movement of bodies/matter through space creates no sound or light unless within those movements atomic collisions occur.
Regarding your second question, what brings you to the conclusion that the four elements of space and time are sound-light-color-motion?
I hope this helps. For a more detailed description on the physics have fun visiting our web site: Select “Research” then select “Physics.”
What is the relationship between these four, Sound, light, color and motion. As light can not exist without sound, can sound and light exist witout color and motion?
Two, is the universe a sound vibrating harmonic, that is in constant state of re-creating itself, creating sound-light-color and motion? the four elements of of space and time.
did anyone feel the resonance of the note A at the ‘close’ of the concordance?
Hi John,
The frequency of 528 is just an octave higher than middle c on the piano. You could have someone play any instrument or a woman sing a drone at c” or find an audio engineer who might be able to help you create that 528 drone frequency through a stereo system for your speakers. If you google “RA” you might find a way to incorporate their method of infusing frequencies such as 528 onto cd’s.
Hi Barbara,
I think you may have me confused with someone who can play a musical instrument and read music, I can’t, i’m a musical philistine when it comes to that. my skill is in playing pre-recorded music, ie, cd’s, vinyl, even tape for the entertainment of others, this is the only gift god gave me, the ability to play songs in such an order as to make people want to dance, remember, ‘jesus said I am the lord of the dance, and that is all I am able to do. My question and forgive me for my ignorance if I interpreted your kind words wrong, but can I make the sound from my speakers when I play pre recorded songs, operate at 528 hz so I can infuse my music with this frequency, that, really to me is the holy grail that I seek, again thank you for your most informed responses.
Hello, John, I think you would have to hook up a Lambdoma Keyboard to your speakers and play the keyboard set at 528Hz, You would be able to play 8 rows of musical intervals ie do re me fa sol la si ti do, in as many as 3 octaves above 528 and 3 octaves below that generating fundamental note of C in arpeggios, and scales and even microtonalities. The effects of the frequencies all harmonious to 528 would mesmerize your audience, raise their consciousness, on emotional, etheric, physical and mental levels.
I am a humble person too, and had the help of several kind hardware and software engineers to realize my dream of bringing this ancient Pythagorean concept of musical theory into a self-healing instrument needed for our 21st Century.
hello Barbara, thank you for your reply, a dj system is Disc Jockey, or the person who plays music at parties for you, we use a play console and powered or amplified speakers, not very complicated but it works well. In response to your comments i’m afraid you left me wallowing in your wake, I’m not an engineer, just a humble person who likes to play music for the enjoyment of others, I understand the emotional aspects of music play and how it afects us humans, but your other terms left me flumoxed somewhat, however thats not to say I’m not grateful, I am, now i have another avenue to explore on my journey, thank you again
I don’t know what a dj system is. However, by setting a generating frequency at 528 at the 1:1 ratio on the Lambdoma Keyboard one could create a whole field of energies that were harmonic and sub-harmonic to that generating frequency.
If you google “Fractal Tune Smithy” and go to FTS_lambdoma you can pllaly with the 4 quadrants of energies representing emotional, spiritual, physical and mental (oracle) states of being.
very interesting indeed, almost hypnotic, can you tell me how one could get a dj system to play at 528 frequency if it is possible.
thank you and best wishes
bear in mind the sacred traditions of God realization(entering into pure awareness/consciousness) describe two differnent paths to get there: one is the meditation on sound and the other is a meditation on light..both reduce or subside into pure awareness..and the practice of both include experience of light and sound experienced subjectively-as states of consciousness- as part of the processes. and often simultaneously as well as seperately…so using this inescapable fact of subjective reality as a touchstone it seems obvious that they are part of one contiuum from a single source experienced thru two different senses because the capacity of the senses is specific, not that there is a separation of the two independent of the senses. I belive the teachings declare that light is created simultateously with sound-or if you prefer,by sound, and could not and does not exist indepentently.
hello Kena,
Thank you John, I like it and I agree with you, you can see a video that I did that we can change the world with the power of the mind passing heat to the hands and bending a spoon
I know it is different to heat the hands rubbing them that to just put our mind in our hands, a heat comes out by the nervous system. It is enough to bend a spoon and this is what is healing in any of our therapies.
Kena, I just have done a live demonstration of the software that you can see with other videos at
Also at
I actually did a presentation to the Synthonics group in Florida last month and I was able to demonstrate to them that the missing color that I come up with the biosonicFFT software is the same as theirs, only I take much less time, just 5 minutes with two 40seconds recording of the voice. They take long time measuring the 3 color fields in each eyes. It was great to coincide, it was a good confirmation and that lecture it is also there, Solar Coherence, and another video of mine about Coherence es health, dolphins in therapy, I recommend that you see it, if you want more there is more in english, but so much more in spanish. I cannot translate all the videos I do for the Soleris Foundation that I created to study the Conciousness change due to maximum solar activity that we will have. I have very positive and unique knowledge of what is to come soon. The sun will come to help us, to free us in free energy and much more. I can talk more about this and the opening of the Thymus gland related to the refraction theory, the true refraction theory of Johann Goethe that I fused with the Iching in the Biosonic Software.
I am doing now videos about TAO Univere taking about the Tzolkin and Tao all the physics behind the software. Which normally I do not talk unless I am ask to do so. Really it does not help sell the software, but if you appreciate it you will see there is much right science behind it. These videos about the continuation of what is there now on 1st one of Tao Universe I will do two more large videos in english too in these next monts. I guess I should tell this group too when they are done.
Thank you for your interest,
much love and light,
There can be no light in the Universe without sound because light is created by interactions between atoms, and such interactions may be defined as sound.
There can be no life in the Universe without sound because life was created by interactions between atoms, and such interactions may be defined as sound.
Thus, sound and light are the Father and Mother of creation and life is their Child.
Sound may be defined as “the transfer of periodic vibrations between colliding atoms or molecules.” In plain English this simply means that a vibrating atom bumps into its neighbor and causes the neighbor to vibrate in the same way.
At the moment of collision something else, rather magical, happens: Light is created.
The reason I use the word magical is because no one knows exactly why light is created. When any two atoms bump into each other it is their magnetic shells that surround each atom that bump, much like the bumpers on cars, ensuring that the cars themselves are not damaged. If you’ve ever played with two magnets and tried to put two north poles or two south poles together you will know the spongy feeling that occurs, keeping the magnets apart; this is what two atoms experience, only on a much smaller scale. Every time two vibrating atoms bump against each other the two magnetic shells interact, creating a small amount of light. The frequency of light created in this way depends on the energy in the collisions, meaning how fast they bump together.
Try this experiment: Rub your two hands vigorously together. You feel warmth. This is because the atoms in one hand are slipping past the atoms in your other hand, creating heat, which is just another name for light. The light you create by this friction method is in the infrared part of the spectrum of electromagnetism, invisible to our eyes but quite visible to some species of bat, owl, snake and mosquito.
Really appreciate you sharing this article post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.
Hi Minda,
great!!!!s, it is wonderful this blog is still alive. I am happy we come to similar situations even if we all have different paths to walk. I heard that the final situation where we need to go is already written, but due that we do have free will how we get there changes as we go along and we have already changed the results of this important transformation in consciousness several times.
So very little is going to happen in 2012, only the sun will start doing its storms slowly coming up in intensity. And we know it has consciousness so it will not where to hit. And there will be no more sun cycles so scientists are going to be very confused, but we will have time to reorganize everything, as we have already everything we need to do the transformation, we just need the signals from the sun making love to mother earth, and the result is wonderful Aurora Borealis, all the colors of life and love. Hope we can continue sharing, I have much to say about this coming years, and I am sure you all have much say too. It is important we use internet as much as we can, because later it will come and go, so we have already a telepathic communication to continue supporting each other.
Love, light and rainbows forever,
I find it extremely interesting, Marysol, that you posted your comment on what those of us following the spiritual path of Eckankar consider our spiritual new year!! I’ve been studying the teachings of ECK (Holy Spirit) for nearly 40 years now and have had many personal experiences with the Light and Sound of God (Divine Spirit), another take on all of these wonderful comments this past year.
In my daily spiritual practices and exercises I sing the word HU (hue), similarly to how some folks sing AUM. This has led to my experiencing the Light and Sound, both of which can be seen, heard, and felt. It is that which runs through all life, which gives life to all, actually, and is the very essence of the Creator Itself. It is what we are made of.
Hello Everyone,
I just realized that no more wonderful sharing has happened here since last year. I believe it was really amazing all the comments that are here and many persons and practitioners of all sound theray light therapy should read it. Or at least I invite everyone to start again sharing our views, because much is hapenning out there and much is ready for our research projects too.
I believe this sharing blog was necessary for all of us, and an example of co-creating to enter this new world.
I have many news to share and would like to know if anyone is out there reading this.
Much love and light rainbows.
Dear John,
I quite agree with your piece about F# and ultraviolet light, and G-flat relative to infra-red. Perhaps these “invisible” colors are only felt and not to be seen.
I really resonated with your perspective on power and the urgency of spreading mystical awareness around the globe. This is the impetus behind my book Sacred Anatomy and my Sacred Sound & Attunement workshop intensives. Paramount to the process of saving the planet from destruction by the Hitler’s is, of course, spirit. Spirit penetrates all levels of consciousness. The spirit of love is the most powerful transforming force. More powerful than knowledge. “Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit, sayeth the Lord of hosts.”
I would love to collaborate with you in one of my intensives. We’re doing one the weekend of February 12-15 (starts on Thursday evening and goes until Sunday noon), and again the weekend of June 11-14) here at Sunrise Ranch. Anyone else interested? Drop me an email at
Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo. Mejor de la suerte en toda su investigación.
Much Love
Jim Atwell
Thank You Jim,
Yes, this is the most important in our life and this time of our present lifetime.
LOVE in every way and every type of relationships, from personal, to family to work relationships, to love the work we do to benefit this planet Earth Gaia.
And lets really see how often we give our power away, which is not Love and it is not GIVING either, it is confussion.
Thank you so much,
Hope we start to do a big quantum jump in 2009, it is necessary and we cannot do it alone.
Till next year,
love and rainbows,
Ditto John about your work Anthony. It was the most extraordinary hands-off work I’ve experienced!
Happy post-solstice everyone! Where the light just gets more and more…
The Outsourcing of Spirituality
Since the dawn of time man has been externalizing his perception of Divinity.
We have constantly given names and attributes to those forces of nature which we consider to be outside of ourselves. We constantly empower forces outside of ourselves to take care of it and then we draw on these external forces to fix it. Invariably this leads to a subtle contempt of the earth plane where all the problems seem to be happening in the first place. Don’t you think it is about time to take responsibility for our own creations and fix this reality ourselves? We need to stop empowering external forces to fix things and repair this reality that we created. You are Gods! Stop giving your power away and empowering forces outside of yourself with attributes they don’t possess. You are Love! That is really the only thing that you need to be conscious of, all the rest are just the projections of our own Divinity.
Take back your own Divinity and reassert your Love of the Divine in yourself and in others.
In the broad scheme of things the only thing you will be asked when you leave this reality is:
Did You Learn How to Love?
Much Love
Jim Atwell
Dear Anthony,
It is great to hear from you on this page! Your work is awesome, and you really made a great contribution with your presence at the HSI back in July. Thanks for your comments.
Aloha ~ Tone
Thank you Jonathan for a most intriguing topic for consideration. My offering into this fascinating discussion relates to a Biblical reference. In St. John’s Book Of Revelation there is a description of a throne set in heaven.
Around the throne there are “seven spirits.” Uranda, founder of the Attunement service I offer in my healing ministry, places these same seven spirits in the body temple, each spirit working in and through one of the seven ductless hormonal glands of the endocrine system. The first spirit works through the Gonads, and is called the “Spirit of the New Earth.” The second spirit, “Spirit of the Single Eye,” works through the adrenal glands. The spirit of the Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas is the “Spirit of Blessing.” The “Spirit of Purification” works its immunity magic through the Thymus. The “Spirit of Life” shines radiantly from the fifth level of the Parathyroid glands. The sixth level is the domain of the “Spirit of the Womb”, also called the “Spirit of Truth,” which exercises Its design and control over all the other glands through the Pituitary Gland. At last, the Pineal Body provides a throne at the seventh level for the “Spirit of Love.”
These seven spirits are simply differentiations of the Spirit of Love, just as the rainbow spectrum is the differentiation of white light. Love is differentiated through the seven endocrine glands. Uranda refered to the Body Temple as a harp upon which the incarnate angel we each are plays music. The musical score is supposed to originate in the realms of light, in heaven, resounded on earth by the angels incarnate. Unfortunately, this does not manifest as a general rule. This “music of the spheres,” when played on these musical instruments, would create a beautiful and colorful world, one that would reflect the beauty and colors of heaven.
These spirits sing tones, and they are related to colors. For example, when I am holding my hands over the Pineal Body during attunement, I inevitably hear a tone the pitch of F, sometimes F# if I’m working with a person who is spiritually transformed. I also see a Violet point of radiant light with my eyes closed. As I come down to the other six endocrine glandes I hear lower pitches and see other colors of the rainbow spectrum. I’ve charted them in my book Sacred Anatomy, and we work with these pitches and colors in my Attunement With Sacred Sound intensives/workshops for sacred energy workers. (See the chart on my website
I am convinced, from personal experience, that the “Sound of Light” is the Music of the Spheres . . . but not the spheres of the solar system. The real music of the spheres is being sung and played by angels in the realms of light. The Word that created light in the beginning is the “shem” of the Creator. The “shem” is the vibration of God, as someone pointed out relative to the Aramaic word for “name.” “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” can be re-phrased as “Happy is the one who comes on the vibration of Love.” The music of Life, the sound of light, is a joyful noise. It is also quite colorful.
I believe that as we entertain these matters from a spiritual and mystical approach, we stand a better chance of understanding and knowing the truth, the way things actually are in heaven and how they may be made manifest here on earth.
There is a simple, reference-able answer that you have all commented around. It proves that light is sound (and that applies to metaphysics as well). Fiber optics! translator is coded math just as the translator of the physics and metaphysics is math. Left brain’s need to organize and relate to the the right brain’s fluid continuety. Where the two meet – Nervana – is a cortical connection of not just numbers, fibers, but the medium of relationships – Math.
Whoa… hold on there beautiful people… your replies to Jonathan’s message about switching the topic are going to the “old” blog stream. You’ll have to “intentionally” make the shift over to the new stream. Try
(would be great to see Jim and Sariah’s messages on intention reposted there…)
I believe intent is often a prayer when it comes from the heart and spirituality of the individual. I do not see it as a “manipulation of the Divine” as for me it is about showing up and getting out of the way. I have also found in my years of intuitive sound healing work that the vibrational healing delivered with intent need not be an audible sound. When there are environmental constraints to using sound in any given moment, it is effective to simply open to the sound, focus on the part of the body or energy field that is calling for healing, hear the sound within your own being and exhale….on the wave of intent and breath, the release is facilitated much the same as an audible sound. Of course, as you say, any “healing” is up to the receptivity and intent of the client. And yes, as we are all one, this is a self healing process for all involved where love and harmony with the Divine are the essential ingredients.
In gratitude, Sariah Mikaels
The Nature of Intent
As “healers” I think it is very important to look at the nature of our intent.
Basically we are trying to second guess the will of God.
This way of thinking, to say the least, is purely subjective since every individual has their own spin on how God thinks and what should be the final outcome of this process.
I feel the easiest way to resolve this issue is with prayer. First petition the Divine for help and then accept responsibility for your own actions. It also helps to have the understanding that; We are the first cause and the last effect of all our actions and What we put out will come back to us.
It is the nature of sound to work in a feedback loop and it is a matter of my own personal experience that eventually these sound energies do return to you since in essence you are the first cause and the last effect. The issue of how long it takes is up to you. You are basically living in a river that is flowing in many directions at the same time. To overly simplify it you can think of Kundalini energy, or whatever energy you choose to call it, as flowing in many directions at the same time. Depending on which chakeras are open at the time you are working on your client, will partially determine your underlying intent since all chakeras have their underlying energy signatures. These energy signatures of different chakeras can be changed by your personal understanding of their signatures. You are also using this energy to recombine with the sounds of your voice and with your personal intent as to the eventual outcome. The intent is part of the aliveness of consciousness that you are projecting into your client as you manipulate the will of the Divine. The God/Goddess that you are working on is also currently using energy to create a reality to stay the way they are. You as the healer are trying to help them go to the next level of understanding with their healing process. Healing as with many subjective realities is a long term process which uses many different energies to bring about a desired goal. Being healed is up to the soul of the client as to whether they are healed or not.
In reality you are healing yourself so be gentle while you learn to Love yourself and
Be in harmony with your understanding of the Divine intention.
Much Love
Jim Atwell
Peace on Earth and in Everyones Heart! ~ Elise
“The sky is a suspended blue ocean.The stars are the fish that swim.The planets are the white whales I sometimes hitch a ride on and the sun and all light have forever fused themselves into my heart and upon my skin.There is only one rule on this wild playground for every sign reads the same.They all say “Have fun,my dear;my dear,have fun,In the Beloved’s Divine Game,O,in the Beloved’s Wonderful Game.”~ Hafiz
The topic of “The Sound of Light” has truly brought in some interesting and thought provoking comments. I want to thank each and every one of you who contributed, either through your writings or through simply reading the material here.
From my perspective, we’ve truly traveled the depths and widths of the sound current—with people offering a myriad of responses to many different approaches to the subject of “The Sound of Light”.
My purpose in this blog is simply to set the stage for you—to create a topic that you can reply to. I have my own thoughts, opinions, experiences with regard to sound which may coincide with some of you and conflict with others of you.
I’m not sure we have truly finished our exploration of “The Sound of Light”—there are so many other places we can go with our discussion. One area in particular that has been negligent is the importance of intervals with regard to the topic of light, as well as many of the sub categories that have manifested here. Yet, now that we have gone over 150 comments, I’d like to change our focus of attention for a while.
This new topic has certainly been discussed in this blog already, but I think that it merits its own focus. It is about “The Power of Intent”. Coupled with the frequencies, tones, mantras and other sounds we’re dealing with, I believe this is truly a major contributor to the outcome and effects of the sounds with which we are working. Please join the conversation on the Power of Intent