These days we seem to find our planet and ourselves in a difficult situation. Without judgment about why this has occurred, I’d prefer to focus on what could be done to assist this current situation.
Much of what’s going on seems to be a result of what is often called the “footprint of man”-the result of human interaction with each other and with our planet. From this perspective, if we caused it and if we are part of the problem, then we can be part of the solution! Humans are an amazing species and once we become aware of something, we can often focus our attention on it and find a solution. All that may be needed is for a portion of human consciousness to awaken to the reality that there is something that needs to be fixed. The question is: “How does this happen?” How can we as a species begin to become awakened?
A number of different scientific studies have validated the effects of meditation and prayer on a planetary level, including the Global Consciousness Project, Princeton, New Jersey. Through the use of random number generators (called EGGS) spread throughout the world, researchers have found that during certain events in which large portions of the consciousness of the population are engaged, the numbers from these EGGS become less random. When this occurs, the data may be collected and the numbers charted. Anyone who has ever seen the results of this knows that it creates a wave. These waves seem to indicate that global events are measurable. It is almost as though the consciousness of the planet can be charted through these EGGs.
In order to be registered via the EGGs, these global events are not based upon excitement, such as the Super Bowl. Instead, they must effect the shared emotions of the consciousness of those involved in the event. In particular, the emotion of compassion seems to be of primary importance with regard to this. Events of cataclysmic natures, such as an earthquake or a tsunami, can be charted. So can positive events such as global meditations and peace prayers.
Studies on Transcendental Meditation (TM) have also shown the positive effects of meditation and prayer on global events. In studies such as in a paper published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, there is data to indicate that during peace meditations, violent behavior in areas where these meditations had occurred declined considerably. The power of our consciousness is astonishing.
The power of sound to enhance these activities cannot be underestimated. Sound acts as a focusing mechanism for our consciousness. This understanding is encapsulated through formulas I’ve created, which include Frequency + Intent = Healing and its corollaries Vocalization + Visualization = Manifestation and Sound + Belief = Outcome. Our intentions, visualizations, feelings, and beliefs are all able to amplify the power and effect of sound. Conversely, sound, frequencies, tones, and vocalizations are all able to boost the power and enhance the effect of our meditations and prayers.
Together, these two elements of sound and the consciousness encoded in the sound combine in a synergistic manner to create a truly potent force that can move mountains. It is no accident that most prayer on this planet is chanted aloud-the ancients knew of the ability of sacred sound to amplify and empower our prayers. We are once again beginning to rediscover this.
Numerous planetary sound healing events have taken place over the years, including World Sound Healing Day, which takes place on February 14th of each year. We are now initiating a Global Sound Healing, which will occur on September 21st of this year in conjunction with the U.N.’s International Day of Peace. This event will take place at noon New York Time (EDT), as well as noon in your local time zone. Together we will sound the “AH”-the universal sound of love and appreciation in order to assist the creation of peace on the planet. We will first begin by spending one minute in silence at noon to honor the International Day of Peace’s moment of silence. At 12:01 p.m. we will start the toning, until 12:05, or longer if you want.
Our intentions-our feelings, visualizations and beliefs-are encoded upon the sounds we make. Sound has the power to focus and amplify our thoughts, prayers and meditations. When we project the energy of love and appreciation while sounding the “AH” on September 21st, we will be able to shift and raise consciousness and awareness on a global scale.
At 12 noon on September 21st, please go to Read the protocols in silence and then enter the “AH TONING CHAMBER” and tone along with all of us throughout the earth for this Global Sound Healing event! Temple of Sacred Sound is the world’s first interactive cyberspace sacred sound temple with extraordinary visuals as well as the beautiful sounds of the thousands of people toning together. If you’d like a special treat, plug in a pair of headphones and a microphone-it will feel like you toning in a virtual King’s Chamber or Taj Mahal.
I invite you to join us in creating a global tone of peace and harmony on this day. I also invite you to contribute your thoughts and understanding of how such events as this may assist and awaken the consciousness of sentient beings on the planet.
First of all Thank+You for providing this Forum.
Three years ago a freind I met at DailyOm who lives in Orange County, turned me on to some Chanting and Kirtan CD’s.
One is the DVD by Krishna Das, Greatest Hits Of The Kali Yuga and the DVD, One Life At A Time. Needless to say… My “One Life” will never be the same. 🙂
Later on that same year, I heard about EarthDance International and the “Global H2Om Project.”
Two of us participated in the September 2007 event with a portable CD player along the banks of the Missouri River also known as “Big Muddy.” For me the experience was as best I can put it into words “Transfiguring.”
Last year, I organized the 2nd Annual EarthDance Yankton as we continued with the Global Theme with a Global Ma. We were drumming and chanting along the shores of Lewis and Clark Lake and the experience far exceeded my expectations.
Several of us shared afterwards saying that we could feel the vibrations coming from Mother Earth through our feet! Time ceases to exist when Mahakali and Shiva Mahakala are in consort.
I have been taking your ” Intro To Sound Healing” Course through DailyOm. Also around the same time, I got turned on to Layne Redmonds “Chanting the Chakras” CD and Booklet. Last week I recieved your Email about the coming Feb, 14th event.
I have met this past year an Episcipal Priest. His wife is a Yoga Teacher who I have also had the the blessing to have come to know. He is willing to let me hold an event at his Temple. They both attended EarthDance last year too.
How cool is this?
Janis Joplin said, “It’s all one day man!”
Just Imagine… Go beyond…Dive In…
Jai Ma !
Thanks for writing. I’m a fan of HeartMath and their work, but I’m not that familar with the emWave. I do think that the concept of feedback for global events is extremely important.
I’d like to turn your attention to a website you might find of interest: This is the world’s first cyberspace sound temple created specifically for people to generate sacred sounds for the purpose of Global Harmonization–creating peace and harmony on the planet. A visitor can go to this interactive website and join others throughout the planet generating sounds for planetary healing. Once you’re inside one of the 3 Toning Chambers, you’ll find yourself experiencing beautiful geometric visuals coupled with the wonderous
sounds of thousands of people throughout the planet toning together. Temple of Sacred Sound is available 24/7, but it’s been the focus of many different planetary peace and healing meditations–especially those that utilize intentional sound in this.
Every year we have World Sound Healing Day, where people tone the heartsound “AH” filled with love and appreciation. Coming up on February 14th, 2009 will be the 7th Annual World Sound Healing Day. I hope that you visit the website and are able to join us whenever you can.
Incidentally, there’s lots of information on about the use of sound to enhance planetary healing. Thank you again for writing, I hope this helps.
Blessings of Light & Love through Sound!
I was very excited to recently discover this project. For a few years now I have been pondering something similar in the form a 24/7 (potentially directed) global heart meditation using the HeartMath feedback device (currently known as emWave). I am not affiliated to Heartmath in any way but I did meet with them to discuss this as they had similar goals. I am graphics programmer and have worked in video games for many years…..looking for a change 🙂
I think healing sound and something like emWave could be married. Both approaches on their own lack feedback. Seeing inspirational graphical feedback (using data from emWave for instance) may inspire more heartful intent and sound. More heartful sound elicits a heartful response etc. This global heart energy could be directed. The potential is very exciting.
I would love to hear of people thoughts on this.
Dear Liorah:
With regard to pregnancy and sound, I recall a woman who had been trying to get pregnant for many years. I gave her and her husband a copy of “Dolphin Dreams”. That week-end she got pregnant. Coincidence? I don’t know. But it seems similar to the story of your daughter.
Blessings of Light & Love through Sound,
Sorry for the delay in responding to this question.
I’ve had students with asthma who reported they have very good response by doing the exercise “Vowels As Mantra” which is featured in many of my books, including HEALING SOUNDS, as well as on the “Healing Sounds Instructional” CD. Those who had success with this practiced the exercise every day.
Hope this helps.
Blessings of Light & Love through Sound!
Dear all,
I have a question.
In all the investigation into sound / energy, has anyone discovered any particular sound / vibration that helps in alleviating asthma?
It occurred to me that there must be a sound, a vibration that would / could resonate inside the lungs when they are having difficulty breathing.
I look forward to hearing your replies.
Many thanks with good vibrations Elaine fischer
My daughter was not able to get pregnant for 11 years and all medical treatments were futile. Three months ago she downloaded a healing sound for Fertility from a site called Healtone and after three weeks she got pregnant.
Do you think that it is possible for simple sounds to create such positive impact?
We are a Sound within a Sound within a Sound…………… or in modern systems science a system, within a larger system…… with a supra system. When we come from the right intention a resonance is created that merges the fields and at the same time defines each field with proper boundaries. As far as I am concerned everyday and in every way our most minute of actions; physical, emotional, and mental, set off waves which move through multi dimensional systems. When a resonance is created consciousness naturally increases. The result can be seen in body posture alignment to a five star pattern, increased cellular nitric oxide production, and a feeling of high level wellness. The bottom line is that global toning is an ongoing forever process. Use this one day to fine tune again and again your toning intention/vibration in your sacred temple known as your physical body. And may your dream waves spiral through the great sonic ocean into and through the seven mystical gateways of silence.