Many new spiritual scientists, discoverers and therapists are working with the concept of resonant frequency healing to create balance. Many are successful. They have developed different instruments, machines, tapes and other sound devices which project the healthy resonant frequency of a body part, (or, for the matter, of the chakras) into a person.
While some of these devices may be very effective for restoring resonance back to that which is vibrating out of harmony, you all have within yourselves the most powerful, effective and wondrous device for healing that you can imagine. It is free, extremely efficient and it does not require batteries or electricity. It is your own voice. Your own, if we may, God given instrument for sound healing. It requires only a little training to use, does not require another operator to be applied, and it allows you to find the exact frequencies for resonance. This does not happen with many of sound healing devices which are “locked into” specific sounds for specific parts. This does not allow for frequency shifting, which is the change of the vibratory rate of either a part of the body, or the whole body and its associated energy centers as well.
Hospitals and medical centers are full of many devices that project sound and other vibrations. We now have catalogs full of devices that you can use in your home to induce meditation and what not. Many of new researchers have developed sound devices that project different frequencies into you for different effects. They are useful and sometimes very fun and we encourage them. However, it is important to realize that they are merely tools producing an effect. And this effect can be achieved without them if you are interested in doing a little work on yourself. What is most interesting, however, is that while many of these sound devices and recordings do create positive change, the actual frequencies or notes that they use are not the same.
To illustrate this, let us discuss your chakras for the moment. They are these spinning discs that feed energy into what becomes the physical body. When I was first researching this area many years ago, I came across a simple system that worked with the 7 chakras using the seven notes of the C major scale. In this system, your root chakra was vibrating to the note “C”. The next chakra resonated to the note “D”. The next chakra to the note “E” and so on, with the crown chakra vibrating to the note “B”. It was a very easy system and I was quite pleased to find this. However, as I continued with my investigation into this, I found many other systems that worked with many different notes besides these.
The variety of different notes that was used was quite extraordinary. And none of them was in agreement. This caused me some perplexity as he could not understand how all the different systems were not in agreement with each other and yet all of them seemed to work to some degree. Then I developed a formula which he first put forth in his book HEALING SOUNDS.
The formula is this: FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING.
In my next post I will talk more about this formula.
Thank You